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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

See also: AquaDome, Proteus

Triton is a battle-car released on October 4, 2016,[2] which can be obtained by purchasing it as DLC.

Painted variants was made available through the Item Shop.

Quote_icon  As of Patch v1.81, New players that obtain this vehicle from drops will recieve the Very Rare version. If however you played Rocket League before Free To Play then it's rarity will be marked as Legacy.

Note - Even if you have the Legacy version of this vehicle body you can still get a duplicate from drops which will be the Very Rare version.  Quote_icon

Official synopsis[]

Embrace your inner sea god and rule the high seas with Triton, the AquaDome's sleekest submersible Battle-Car![3]


Triton can be equipped with the following decals:



Note: Battle-Cars can also be equipped with any of the Black Market decals.


Triton comes with the following wheels, which can be equipped to any Battle-Car:



  • The in-game files for Triton refer to it as "Cannonboy".[4]


  1. Rocket League Car Hitboxes on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Patch Notes v1.24 on Rocket League - Official Site
  3. Triton on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. Key for Internal Names on Reddit