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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

See also: Esper, Masamune

Tokyo Underpass is an arena added on June 20, 2016.

Originally called Neo Tokyo, it was renamed on May 10, 2017, due to a standardized version of this arena being released with the same name.

As of March 22, 2017, this arena can only be played in Exhibition or Private matches. Otherwise, it is available in the online Rumble playlist since September 28, 2017.

Official synopsis[]

Tokyo Underpass's origin began as the popular Rocket Labs arena, Underpass. This was the first arena to have multiple levels and was inspired by feedback from top-level players. Now, it returns with a fantastic visual theme and streamlined game-play improvements.[1]


On May 8, 2017, Psyonix announced that Neo Tokyo would be re-released with a standardized layout, and that the currrent iteration of the arena would be renamed "Tokyo Underpass".[2]

Quote_icon  For those who love the original "Neo Tokyo," we have you covered! We are keeping the original arena in Rocket League, but with a new name: "Tokyo Underpass." This new name/old look arena will be available in offline and private matches only for now. "Tokyo Underpass" is also replacing the original "Underpass" map, which will be removed from the Rocket Labs rotation starting with this update.  Quote_icon




  1. Neo Tokyo on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. What's Coming in v1.34 on Rocket League - Official Site