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The Dark Knight's Tumbler is a Battle-Car that was released on March 5, 2018,[2] which can only be obtained from the DC Super Heroes DLC Pack.[1] It is not compatible with most decals, wheels, rocket boosts, trails, or anything else other than the items in the DLC pack that go with it. Its paint color cannot be changed by the user. It was renamed from The Dark Knight Rises Tumbler in Patch v2.05 to prepare it for Haunted Hallows related Item Shop Bundles.

Quote_icon  As of Patch v1.70, all Premium DLC Packs will no longer be available for purchase. If you already own any items from the DLC Packs, you will still have those items in your inventory. Items from Premium DLC Packs may return for individual sale in the Item Shop at a later date.[5]  Quote_icon



The Dark Knight's Tumbler can be equipped with the following decal, but cannot have its paint color changed.


The Dark Knight's Tumbler is not compatible with any other wheels besides this one.


The Dark Knight's Tumbler is not compatible with any other boosts besides this one.


The Dark Knight's Tumbler is not compatible with any other trails besides this one.

2012 Dark Knight Tumbler Bundle Contents[]

The following items came with the 2012 Dark Knight Tumbler bundle when purchased for 800 Credits in the Item Shop:[6]

2012 Dark Knight Tumbler Bundle promo art 2012 Dark Knight Tumbler Bundle: 800 Credits icon (transparent)
Icon Name Type Rarity
The Dark Knight's Tumbler body icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler Body Exotic
The Dark Knight goal explosion icon The Dark Knight Goal Explosion Import
The Dark Knight's Tumbler Reel Life decal icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler: Reel Life Decal Import
Dark Knight Camo decal icon Dark Knight: Camo Decal Common
The Dark Knight's Tumbler wheel icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler Wheels Common
The Dark Knight's Tumbler rocket boost icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler Rocket Boost Common
The Dark Knight's Tumbler trail icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler Trail Common
Garage_Nav_Icon The Dark Knight's Tumbler Engine Audio Common


  • The in-game files for The Dark Knight's Tumbler refer to it as "Berry".[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 DC Super Heroes DLC Coming in March on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. 2.0 2.1 Patch Notes v1.42 on Rocket League - Official Site
  3. Rocket League Car Hitboxes on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. @mrcoreydavis on Twitter: "FYI, new Batmobile hitboxes: Tumbler: Octane '89: Dominus"
  5. The Item Shop: A Closer Look on Rocket League - Official Site
  6. Batman Returns to Rocket League for Haunted Hallows on Rocket League - Official Site
  7. RLBot/ on GitHub