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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Super Cube NEW LTM playlist icon

Super Cube was a limited-time game mode that was introduced on February 22, 2021 as part of the Lucky Lanterns event.[1]

Super Cube uses mutators where the ball changes into a Cube, the speed is changed to maximum and have increased bounciness.[2]

Official Synopsis[]

Quote_icon  Super Cube is a goofy mode that messes with mutators and changes the shape of the Rocket League ball. Like the name suggests, the ball has been replaced by a cubic shape, and its maximum speed and bounciness have increased. Good luck trying to predict its bounces!  Quote_icon



  1. Lucky Lanterns is Live now on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Lucky Lanterns is Live now on Rocket League - Official Site