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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Spring Loaded promo art

Spring Loaded promo art

Spring Loaded was a limited-time game mode that was introduced on August 26, 2021 as part of Season 4 Limited time Modes.[1]

Spring Loaded uses mutators settings of same name to provide the Rumble game mode experience using just Spring type power-ups like Boot and Haymaker. [2]


Official Synopsis[]

Quote_icon  Spring into this 3v3 Rumble variant where power-ups have been replaced by the Haymaker and Boot. Boot your opponents and punch your ticket to victory!  Quote_icon


  1. Gallop into Rocket League Season 4 on August 11 on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Gallop into Rocket League Season 4 on August 11 on Rocket League - Official Site