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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Speed Demon Promo art

Speed Demon promo art

Speed Demon was a limited-time game mode that was introduced on August 19, 2021 a week after Season 4 Release.[1] It was also available during the Season Rush event.

Speed Demon uses mutators to give us a faster paced Boomer Ball variant. We have unlimited boost with double strength, larger ball, less bounciness and demo on contact with 1-second respawn time. [1]

Official Synopsis[]

Quote_icon  Put the pedal to the metal in this 3v3, lightning-quick variant of Boomer Ball. Boost is unlimited and double the power. The ball is larger and moves at super fast speed, but with less bounciness. Demolitions occur on contact, but a 1-second respawn timer gets you right back into the action.  Quote_icon


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gallop into Rocket League Season 4 on August 11 on Rocket League - Official Site