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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

See also: Rocket Pass

Ronin is a vehicle body which could be obtained from premium Rocket Pass 6. It is classified as Limited rarity. Described by Psyonix as a "cybernetic supercar," the car design takes inspiration from science fiction.[2]

While the Ronin and Ronin G1 are no longer obtainable, painted variants of the Ronin GXT can still be traded between players.


Different variants of the Ronin can be unlocked by tiering up in the Rocket Pass:



The following decals could only be obtained by tiering up in Rocket Pass 6. Painted variants can be traded.

Note: Vehicles can also be equipped with any universal decal.

Painted variants[]

Only the Ronin GXT could have painted variants, and these could only be obtained randomly after Tier 70 of the Rocket Pass.



  1. @RocketLeague on Twitter: "The Ronin will have the Dominus' Hitbox."
  2. Rocket Pass 6 Speeds Into The Future Next Week on Rocket League - Official Site