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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
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R3MX is a battle-car released on December 9, 2020 which could be obtained from premium Season 2 Rocket Pass.[2] It is classified as Limited rarity. Like the Harbinger battle-car from the previous season, the R3MX does not have a G1 variant like the cars from Rocket Passes 1 through 6.

The R3MX GXT variant, unlocked at tier 70 of the pass, has a unique feature in its bumper which pulses to the beat of the in-game music—a testament to the musical theme of the Season 2 Rocket Pass. The GXT also gives off an orange flame effect along the sides and top of the car.

The R3MX's design resembles the Lamborghini Huracán, particularly in the front and back, while the R3MX GXT's design more closely resembles the Lamborghini Huracán GT3 or Super Trofeo with the addition of a wing in the back and a more aggressive body design.


R3MX can be equipped with the following decals:



Note: Battle-Cars can also be equipped with any universal decal.

Painted Variants[]

Only the R3MX GXT can have painted variants, these can be obtained after Tier 70 of the Rocket Pass.



  • When the R3MX was released in Patch v1.88, the GXT variant was misspelled as "GMT," which confused some players. A week later, with Patch v1.89, the "GMT" was fixed to "GXT"; Psyonix explained in the 1.89 patch notes that it was a typo.[3]
  • The R3MX: Anthrophobe decal is simply a differently-named version of the Eagre decal which was released for the Harbinger in the Season 1 Rocket Pass.


  1. Rocket League Car Hitboxes on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Get Loud for Rocket League Season 2 on Rocket League - Official Site
  3. Patch Notes v1.89 on Rocket League - Official Site