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The Jurassic Jeep Wrangler is a battle-car released on June 18, 2018, which can only be obtained from the Jurassic World DLC pack.[2] It is not compatible with any decals, and can only have its goal explosion, rocket boost and trail changed.

Official Synopsis[]

"Must go faster!" Celebrate a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth while scoring epoch-worthy goals with the Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler. Also included: themed customization items, including a T. rex Goal Explosion![3]



The Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler comes with these wheels which are not compatible with any other battle-car. The wheels have two different versions for the orange team and blue team:


The Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler comes with the 3 player banners shown below.


The Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler comes with the 3 antennas shown below.


The Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler comes with the Jurassic Park Hard Hat that is possible to equip to any battle-car.

Goal Explosion[]

The Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler comes with the T. rex Goal Explosion that is possible to equip using any battle-car.

Jurassic World™ Car Pack DLC Contents[]

The following items came with the Jurassic World™ Car Pack DLC when purchased for $1.99 or regional equivalent on various platforms.[4]

Jurassic World Car Pack DLC icon Jurassic World™ Car Pack DLC: $1.99 or regional equivalent
Icon Name Type Rarity
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler body icon blue team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Body Legacy
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler body icon orange team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Body Legacy
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler wheel icon - blue team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Wheels Common
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler wheel icon - orange team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Wheels Common
T Rex goal explosion icon T. rex Goal Explosion Legacy
Jurassic Park player banner icon Jurassic Park Player Banner Legacy
Jurassic World player banner icon Jurassic World Player Banner Legacy
Mr DNA player banner icon Mr DNA Player Banner Legacy
Jurassic Park antenna icon Jurassic Park Antenna Legacy
Jurassic World antenna icon Jurassic World Antenna Legacy
InGen antenna icon InGen Antenna Legacy
Jurassic Park Hard Hat topper icon Jurassic Park Hard Hat Topper Legacy
Garage_Nav_Icon Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Engine Audio Common

Jurassic World Bundle Contents[]

The following items came with the Jurassic World Bundle when purchased in the Item Shop.[5]

Jurassic World Bundle icon Jurassic World Bundle: Credits icon (transparent)1100
Icon Name Type Rarity
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler body icon blue team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Body Exotic
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler wheel icon - orange team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Wheels Exotic
T Rex goal explosion icon T. rex Goal Explosion Exotic
Jurassic Park player banner icon Jurassic Park Player Banner Rare
Jurassic World player banner icon Jurassic World Player Banner Rare
Mr DNA player banner icon Mr DNA Player Banner Rare
Jurassic Park antenna icon Jurassic Park Antenna Uncommon
Jurassic World antenna icon Jurassic World Antenna Uncommon
InGen antenna icon InGen Antenna Uncommon
Jurassic Park Hard Hat topper icon Jurassic Park Hard Hat Topper Rare
Garage_Nav_Icon Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Engine Audio Common

Jurassic Jeep Wrangler Bundle Contents[]

The following items came with the Jurassic Jeep Wrangler Bundle when purchased in the Item Shop.[5]

Jurassic Jeep Wrangler Bundle iconJurassic Jeep Wrangler Bundle: Credits icon (transparent)800
Icon Name Type Rarity
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler body icon blue team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Body Exotic
Jurassic Jeep Wrangler wheel icon - orange team Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Wheels Exotic
Jurassic Park player banner icon Jurassic Park Player Banner Rare
Jurassic World player banner icon Jurassic World Player Banner Rare
Mr DNA player banner icon Mr DNA Player Banner Rare
Jurassic Park antenna icon Jurassic Park Antenna Uncommon
Jurassic World antenna icon Jurassic World Antenna Uncommon
InGen antenna icon InGen Antenna Uncommon
Jurassic Park Hard Hat topper icon Jurassic Park Hard Hat Topper Rare
Garage_Nav_Icon Jurassic Jeep® Wrangler Engine Audio Common

Jurassic World T.Rex Bundle Contents[]

The following items came with the Jurassic World T.Rex Bundle when purchased in the Item Shop.[5]

Jurassic World T.Rex Bundle iconJurassic World T.Rex Bundle: Credits icon (transparent)800
Icon Name Type Rarity
T Rex goal explosion icon T. rex Goal Explosion Exotic


  • The in-game files for Maestro refer to it as "Maple".



  1. Rocket League Car Hitboxes on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Jurassic World™ Car Pack on Steam
  3. Jurassic World™ Car Pack on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. Jurassic World Car Pack DLC Coming June 18 on Rocket League - Official Site
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fuel up for Rocket League's Summer Road Trip on Rocket League - Official Site