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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Heatseeker promo art

Heatseeker was a limited-time game mode that was introduced on April 16, 2020.[1]

Heatseeker returned during these specified times:

  • June 18, 2020 for 24 hours as 2v2.[4]
  • December 28, 2020 - January 4, 2021 as 2v2 during the Frosty Fest event.[7]

Official synopsis[]

Quote_icon  In Heatseeker, the ball will automatically seek the opposing net once it's hit. But, make sure you don't miss the goal! If the ball hits the backboard, it will fire back toward your goal. Make sure to think fast, because every time the ball is touched by a player or a backboard, it gains speed! First team to seven goals wins.  Quote_icon

Login gift[]

Players who logged in to Rocket League at any time when Heatseeker was first introduced on April 16, 2020 received the Hypnoteks banner.



  1. Heatseeker Mode Launches April 16th on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Modes of May Kicks Off on May 1 on Rocket League - Official Site
  3. Modes of May Wraps Up with 2XP Weekend on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. @RocketLeague on Twitter: "Heatseeker incoming in 24 hours, and this time, it's 2v2! Look out for it tomorrow at 9 a.m. PDT / 4 p.m. UTC."
  5. Rocket League Patch Notes: September Update on Rocket League - Official Site
  6. Celebrate Ghostbusters in Rocket League's Haunted Hallows on Rocket League - Official Site
  7. Frosty Fest Returns December 14 on Rocket League - Official Site
  8. Lucky Lanterns Is Live Now on Rocket League - Official Site
  9. Fuel up for Rocket League's Summer Road Trip on Rocket League - Official Site
  10. Gallop into Rocket League Season 4 on August 11 on Rocket League - Official Site