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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
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See also: Rocket Pass

Harbinger is a vehicle body which can be obtained from premium Season 1 Rocket Pass.[3] It is classified as Limited rarity.

It is based on the Renegade Battle-Car, which originally appeared in Rocket League precursor Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars.

The Renegade's return was teased in Rocket League long before it was officially announced on September 17, 2020. The Renegade appeared as a old wrecked vehicle in the background of the Farmstead arena.[4] Additionally, in the trailer for Rocket Pass 6, an image resembling the Renegade with a SARPBC ball turning into a Rocket League ball could be seen for a moment in the HoloData goal explosion.[5] Finally, in the trailer for Season 1 Rocket Pass, the old wrecked vehicle in Farmstead turn into Harbinger.

Unlike the cars from previous Rocket Passes, the Harbinger does not have a G1 variant. This trend was continued in next Seasons.


Harbinger can be equipped with the following decals:



Note: Battle-Cars can also be equipped with any universal decal.

Painted variants[]

Only the Harbinger GXT could have painted variants, and these could only be obtained after Tier 70 of the Rocket Pass.



  1. @RocketLeague on Twitter: "Harbinger is Octane hitbox!"
  2. @RocketLeague on Twitter: "If you're curious why Harbinger is Octane hitbox and not the shiny new Merc one, it's because it fits the Octane box height super well."
  3. Patch Notes: Free To Play Release on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. Click to see image
  5. Rocket Pass 6 Trailer on YouTube