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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

The 2018 Anniversary Event celebrated the third anniversary of Rocket League as well as the tenth anniversary of its predecessor, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. The event ran from July 9 to July 23, 2018. An 'Anniversary' Playlist was added to the Casual Playlists page, which featured the Throwback Stadium arena, with the goal layout being reminiscent of SARPBC.

Balloons were a currency players could earn throughout the event by playing matches online, used to redeem items in the event store (shown below).

Official Synopsis[]

Quote_icon  Can you believe Rocket League is nearly THREE years old and Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars is about to turn TEN? Oh, how time flies! To celebrate both milestones, we’re throwing an in-game birthday bash Event and you’re all invited!


We hope to see you at the in-game party next month, and THANK YOU to our amazing community for sticking with Rocket League and SARPBC throughout the last decade. We wouldn’t be here without your dedication, your passion and your feedback. Here’s to the next ten years!  Quote_icon


The following items were available to purchase using Balloons. All items are classed as Limited rarity.

Icon Name Type Price
Birthday Bash topper icon
Birthday Bash Topper 50
Battle-Cars Anniversary topper icon
Battle-Cars Anniversary Topper 50
SARPBC-10 antenna icon
SARPBC-10 Antenna 30
SARPBC-10 wheel icon
SARPBC-10 Wheels 150
Psyonix wheel icon
Psyonix Wheels 150
Birthday Bash player banner icon
Birthday Bash Player Banner 75
Battle-Cars Anniversary player banner icon
Battle-Cars Anniversary Player Banner 75
Golden Egg icon
Golden Egg Other 150


Will I be able to redeem Anniversary Event ‘Balloons’ after the Event ends on July 23?
No, Balloons expire as soon as the Event concludes at 5pm PDT on July 23.
Can I trade in items I get from Golden Eggs?
Yes! Golden Egg items can be traded in with other Golden Egg items. The Golden Egg is its own series, so these items cannot be traded in with Crate items.


@RocketLeague on Twitter: "Heads up! Throwback Stadium will also feature SARPBC-style ball weight, so expect the ball on Throwback (and only Throwback) to act a little ‘lighter’ than normal."


External links[]
