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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

The Dorado Series is a blueprint series that was released on December 7, 2021 during Season 5.


There is a chance of obtaining one of the following items to build with credits from this series:

Icon Name Type Rarity Build Cost
Silencer (Tygris) decal icon Jackal: Silencer Decal Rare Credits icon2 50
Spectral player banner icon Spectral Player Banner Rare Credits icon2 100
Dragon Lord decal icon Dingo: Dragon Lord Decal Rare Credits icon2 50
Canister wheel icon Canister Wheels Rare Credits icon2 100
Sharpshooter decal icon Jackal: Sharpshooter Decal Rare Credits icon2 50
Jak'd wheel icon Jak'd Wheels Very Rare Credits icon2 200
Hasher wheel icon Hasher Wheels Very Rare Credits icon2 200
Huntress decal icon Jackal: Huntress Decal Very Rare Credits icon2 100
Bodacious decal icon Dominus: Bodacious Decal Very Rare Credits icon2 100
Ethereal trail icon Ethereal Trail Very Rare Credits icon2 200
Polygrid paint finish icon Polygrid Paint Finish Very Rare Credits icon2 200
Chakram Holographic wheel icon Chakram: Holographic Wheels Import Credits icon2 400
Ethereal rocket boost icon Ethereal Rocket Boost Import Credits icon2 400
Hasher Revolved wheel icon Hasher: Revolved Wheels Import Credits icon2 400
Canister Infinite wheel icon Canister: Infinite Wheels Import Credits icon2 400
Oozy decal icon Fennec: Oozy Decal Import Credits icon2 300
Jackal body icon Jackal Body Import Credits icon2 500
Swayzee decal icon Octane: Swayzee Decal Import Credits icon2 300
Distortion decal icon Animus GP: Distortion Decal Import Credits icon2 300
Martian Wind decal icon Dominus: Martian Wind Decal Import Credits icon2 300
Warp Wave decal icon Warp Wave Decal Exotic Credits icon2 700
Jak'd Obverse wheel icon Jak'd: Obverse Wheels Exotic Credits icon2 700
Phoenix Cannon goal explosion icon Phoenix Cannon Goal Explosion Black Market Credits icon2 2000
Stride Tide decal icon Stride Tide (Universal) Decal Black Market Credits icon2 2000


