The Dorado Series is a blueprint series that was released on December 7, 2021 during Season 5.
There is a chance of obtaining one of the following items to build with credits from this series:
- 3 Rare Decals
- 1 Rare Player Banner
- 1 Rare Wheels
- 1 Very Rare Trail
- 1 Very Rare Paint Finish
- 2 Very Rare Wheels
- 2 Very Rare Decals
- 1 Import Body
- 1 Import Rocket Boost
- 3 Import Wheels
- 4 Import Decals
- 1 Exotic Wheels
- 1 Exotic Decal
- 1 Black Market Goal Explosion
- 1 Black Market Decal
Icon | Name | Type | Rarity | Build Cost |
Jackal: Silencer | Decal | Rare | 50 | |
Spectral | Player Banner | Rare | 100 | |
Dingo: Dragon Lord | Decal | Rare | 50 | |
Canister | Wheels | Rare | 100 | |
Jackal: Sharpshooter | Decal | Rare | 50 | |
Jak'd | Wheels | Very Rare | 200 | |
Hasher | Wheels | Very Rare | 200 | |
Jackal: Huntress | Decal | Very Rare | 100 | |
Dominus: Bodacious | Decal | Very Rare | 100 | |
Ethereal | Trail | Very Rare | 200 | |
Polygrid | Paint Finish | Very Rare | 200 | |
Chakram: Holographic | Wheels | Import | 400 | |
Ethereal | Rocket Boost | Import | 400 | |
Hasher: Revolved | Wheels | Import | 400 | |
Canister: Infinite | Wheels | Import | 400 | |
Fennec: Oozy | Decal | Import | 300 | |
Jackal | Body | Import | 500 | |
Octane: Swayzee | Decal | Import | 300 | |
Animus GP: Distortion | Decal | Import | 300 | |
Dominus: Martian Wind | Decal | Import | 300 | |
Warp Wave | Decal | Exotic | 700 | |
Jak'd: Obverse | Wheels | Exotic | 700 | |
Phoenix Cannon | Goal Explosion | Black Market | 2000 | |
Stride Tide (Universal) | Decal | Black Market | 2000 |