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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Decryptor icon (cropped)

Decryptors were key-like items that could be used to unlock crates, including crates obtained during special events,[1] without having to purchase a key.[2] They were classified as Limited rarity.

Items obtained from crates that were been opened with a decryptor, rather than a key, cannot be traded with other players.[3]

Bonus Gift icon

On December 4, 2019, when Crates were retired, Decryptors were retired as well. Decryptors from your inventory were converted into "Bonus Gifts," which can be opened at no cost. Bonus Gifts contain items from the Vindicator Crate series and first Blueprint Series, the "Revival" Series, that bring back some fan-favorite items throughout Rocket League's history.[4]


Decryptors could only be obtained during special events and through the Rocket Pass.

During the Haunted Hallows event, they could be purchased with 'Candy Corn,' a limited-time currency that was earned by completing online matches.[3]

During the Frosty Fest event, decryptors could be purchased with 'Snowflakes,' a limited-time currency that was earned by completing online matches.

During the Spring Fever event, decryptors could be purchased with 'Flowers,' a limited-time currency which was also earned by completing online matches.

See also[]



  1. Autumn Update on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. What's Coming After The Autumn Update on Rocket League - Official Site
  3. 3.0 3.1 Haunted Hallows Event Starts October 16! on Rocket League - Official Site
  4. Blueprints: A Closer Look on Rocket League - Official Site