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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

Deadeye Canyon is an arena in Rocket League that was introduced with the start of Season 4 on August 11, 2021.[1] It is a western-themed arena in a desert environment. During Season 10 this arena got redesigned into Deadeye Canyon (Oasis)[2]



  • In the background scenery of the map, there is an oasis which can be examined in Saved Replays. By the oasis is a camera which cycles through photos of two egg people, a couple, taking selfies at different locations. Two photos are in Farmstead and one is in Neo Tokyo. Judging by one of the Farmstead photos, it appears that these are meant to be the same eggs seen kissing under the bleachers in Farmstead.
  • The old Marauder battle-car from Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars appears in the background as an old wrecked vehicle.


  1. Gallop Into Rocket League Season 4 on August 11 on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Season 10 kicks back with Volkswagen Golf GTI on Rocket League - Official Site