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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

Confidential thirdwheel test was a limited-time game mode that was introduced on April 1, 2022 as part of Season 6 Limited time Modes.[1]

Confidential thirdwheel test replaced all cars with an incomplete version of Octane known as Psyclops. It only has 3 wheels and was hard to control. In this game mode the Boost was on Slow-Recharge. It was a 3v3 Casual LTM mode.

Official Synopsis[]

Quote_icon  Scout will fill this in later. Try to make 3 wheels sound like a good thing.  Quote_icon
Quote_icon  SCOUT WRITE THIS. Something about the car is cool. Something about the mode is cool. Wow! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing hugboat. DATE TBD.  Quote_icon





  1. Warning to all Rocket League Players on Rocket League - Official Site