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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
This article is missing images for select car bodies, and Admiral and Mako. Please edit it to add more content.

Each car body in the game has one of six default body types, also known as hitboxes. These are Octane, Dominus, Plank, Breakout, Hybrid, and Merc.[1][2][3] These standardized hitboxes were introduced in Patch v1.35, the Anniversary Update.[4] Before then, each vehicle had its own unique properties.

The Merc hitbox is the only hitbox to be added after the other hitboxes were established. It was introduced with Patch v1.81, adding a new unique hitbox into the game for the first time since Patch v1.35. It was initially exclusive to the Merc body, but cars released subsequently such as the Battle Bus[3] were also given the hitbox. It is both taller and narrower than the other hitboxes,[5] although details such as dimensions and handling are currently unknown.[6]


These are the dimensions for each Body Type.[1] Keep in mind that these statistics date back to late 2018.[7] The Merc hitbox percision is only 2 decimal places.[8]

Body Type Length Width Height
Octane 118.0074000 84.1994100 36.1590700
Dominus 127.9268000 83.2799500 31.3000000
Plank 128.8198000 84.6703600 29.3944000
Breakout 131.4924000 80.5210000 30.3000000
Hybrid 127.0192000 82.1878700 34.1590700
Merc 120.7200000 76.7100000 41.6600000

Speculated Numbers[]

There are some numbers known about other characteristics of each body type, but this was purely done by testing.


How to calculate exact Handling specifications is still unknown. However, these are some accurate testing values. (higher value = tighter turning radius)

Body Type Standard Boost
Octane 2.336 2.031
Dominus 2.336 2.035
Plank 2.323 1.967
Breakout 2.345 2.014
Hybrid 2.342 2.014

Ground Height[]

How to calculate the exact Ground Height is still unknown. However, these are some accurate testing values.

Body Type Ground Height
Octane: 48.469040
Dominus: 45.152540
Plank: 55.860375
Breakout: 54.858975
Hybrid: 45.447330


How to calculate the exact Inclination is still unknown. However, these are some accurate testing values. (front lower than back)

Body Type Inclination
Octane: -0.55°
Dominus: -0.97°
Plank: -0.37°
Breakout: -0.99°
Hybrid: -0.55°


The following vehicle bodies use the Octane hitbox.


The following vehicle bodies use the Dominus hitbox.


The following vehicle bodies use the Plank hitbox.


The following vehicle bodies use the Breakout hitbox.


The following vehicle bodies use the Hybrid hitbox.


The following vehicle bodies use the Merc hitbox.

