Item Icons
By this I mean I can actually access them and upload them (as you may have seen over the past few days). There's a massive backlog of missing files, so I'm going to try and slowly get all of them done eventually. I will, however, be prioritising more recent events/additions so if you want/need something specific then reply and I'll try prioritise it to get it done sooner!
I may have an issue with getting painted variants of items since I think they are procedurally generated now (at least, I can't find painted variations I know exist) so that might be the only limitation. Please do let me know if that's wrong, or if you can help.
Editing is fun!
I have been editing a lot lately, and I actually really like it. It's actually enjoyable and I feel like I am learning useful things that might get me a job when I grow up. I think I might try and keep learning and then I will aim for getting content moderator on this wiki! Wish me luck. Bye everyone!
Im a rookie
Hello everyone. I edit this wiki because people say that this is similar to HTML coding. I am here to learn about making a website and maintaing a popular one. I decided to try and help out on this wiki because I love rocket league so much, everyone on this wiki is chill and nice, and because I think I have some knowledge about rocket league. Don't expect too much from me though! After all, I'm a rookie.
Trading cosmosis for Swayzee, and snakeskin
It’s for my octane im trading cosmosis cause I’m bored with it I mean I already have another goal explosion that’s better to me.]
Someone, PLEASE trade me and make it snappy.
Love for editing
I like to edit the rocket league wikia, and always keep up with the recent updates, therefore I would like to keep all of the content of the rocket league wiki up to date, editing it step by step, I think I can make it.
i wont fennec
i got like 11 cars and and 3 celebrations if you want it I'll trade it for the fennec
Returning from Inactivity
As you probably know, I am a Content Moderator on this wiki and I've been inactive on this wiki for the past few months. There are various reasons for this—real life issues, for one, and also having to maintain this other wiki as the wiki owner. Also, I dislike the new fandom interface with the UCP.
But regardless, I will be returning into activity again.
Someone should make a Community Flags section in antennas since they’re coming soon next month.
Hey guys i’m wondering what item rarity you get from the import drop or any other drop because I want to find the rarity of getting a BM from the import drop.
Possibly leaving Rocket League
I've heard you need an EGS account now in order to play Rocket League...
I've purchased Rocket League about 4 years ago on Steam.
Long before fortnite existed and epic games became relevant.
Long before Psyonix was bought up by epic.
Long before Linux support was taken away.
Long before the game got removed from steam.
Long before the game became an f**king epic exclusive.
Long before Psyonix became epic slaves.
Long before epic killed another game and studio because 'they are doing the right thing for consumers'.
I've had an EGS account to try fortnite when it was still unknown, to see if it was fit as a LAN-party game (it wasen't).
It took me over 3 months to delete my account and an additional half a year to get them to stop sending me mails. Yet…
1,000 edits milestone
I just hit 1,000 edits today. Quadruple digits! What better way to mark this editing milestone than to make a blog post?
The wiki has grown a ton since I started editing in August of last year. We now have almost 200 more pages, and better content on the pages. Kudos to the great team of editors on the wiki.
I have to admit though, my 1,000 edits isn't the best achievement. And on an unrelated note, I would like to congratulate Fishezzz who joined a month later than me and has 5,427 edits at the time of writing
How does one identify the impossible painted variants of a topper?
Hello, while going through topper articles I realized I have no idea how to tell which painted variants of an item are impossible to obtain. Certain articles have impossible painted variants, so I suppose someone knows how to find unobtainable variants. Could someone please enlighten me on this?
Downloading files with python
So instead of spending over an hour downloading images missing images from the Rocket League Garage item DataBase, I made a python script that downloads all the images in seconds.
You only need to go in 'Inspect element' on the site and copy the piece of HTML that contains all images you want to download, paste them in a text file and save it on your hard disk.
- How to?
Then just do this to download the images and add a suffix to the file name if you want.
Let me know what you think of it or if you have problems when you decide to try it out!
Link last checked/validated?
I was reading a Fandom news post and they talked about something on Wookiepedia and browsed through the linked page and stumbled upon some templates and link templates and clicked through... and stumbled upon this Template:FacebookCite where they have parameters for 'The last date the Facebook permalink was confirmed live by a Wookieepedia editor'.
I've noticed that a lot of links to . . . are no longer valid, because of the Credits update.
Maybe we should look and start doing somthing like that? Or is it just not worth the time and effort because of the slim chance this will happen?
Crate items showcase images
At the moment, some crate pages have a section showcasing the items in their preview from using in-game screenshots. As crates are being retired, this is something that needs either to be removed or added to all the crate pages. I've decided to upload images for all missing crate item previews and update the existing ones to FHD resolution. Here's an example of what to expect for each crate:
PS: I touched this issue on my last blog post too, but I don't think it was clear to everybody...I hope it is now :)
Table of Contents
So I have a browser add-on and decided to re-design the Table of Contents to make it a little more slimmer plus more appealing to look at on my end lol, However I was curious as to what you guys think of the re-design? Would this be something you would want implemented on the actual site? Any suggestions on it?
Vindicator Crate Wheel Articles
Hello Rocket League Wiki editors,
I have recently created articles for all five of the Vindicator Crate wheels (Picket, Truncheon, Apparatus, NeYoYo, Creeper) but I have to be somewhere in real life shortly and do not have the time to add in the painted variant images for each wheel. I have created the galleries, but with placeholder images. Feel free to add in the images if you are willing to.
ComicalNinja (talk) 20:35, October 16, 2019 (UTC)
Recategorizing the 26 'root' categories to 1, and categorize more pages and files
I wanted to add a thing to my profile that I also have on the Warframe Wiki. There I have a |Browse]], which happens to be the category of the home page. It also makes a lot of sense when everything is in a subcategorie of Browse, because then you can go/browse to every page (that is categorized) on this wiki.
So my goal now is to try and move everything (all categories) into Browse or one of it's subcategories. Along the way I may encounter more uncategorized pages, files, ... which I will categorize as well.
- Fishezzz, 29-09-2019
Spamming for Badges!
I have removed several comments and blogs due to excessive amount of spam, Most spam was simply making a blog and or comment to get specific badges. While I admit I have been a little slack in this area which is my own fault... This puts a negative spotlight on the community and doesn't make it appealing to others. This type of behavior can not continue so from here on out I expect all members to abide by these rules: failure to comply with any of the rules will result in a warning on your message wall from a staff member, continued infractions can result in temporary/permanent account suspension and or editing abilities removed.
Categories / Clean-up and organization ideas
If you care about the development of this wiki, please read this :) You might be interested in helping :)
Categories - The Saga
For those who haven't checked the recent activity, I've been categorizing images for some time now. Categories is a feature that simply enables one to put a tag (link) on a file or page. Along with the categorization of the images it made sense to also rename them to the same format(s). The desired image name formats (when they exist) are in each category and respective sub-categories. E.g. check, the biggest category by far called Icons:
The organization of the images in categories was something that existed when I started editing this wiki, but it was a comp…
Rocket Pass 2 Progression
How's your RP2 progression? I've recently hit 160. You? And since we're here, which level did you hit on RP1. I hit 111 (just one above the last key on 110) :D
Happy New Year!
Here's to a great 2018! Let's see how much Psyonix will be able to outdo themselves this year 😂
Seeking Volunteer Curators
Hey Rocket League Wiki community!
I'm sure you're aware of FANDOM's editorial site, and our coverage of gaming and entertainment news. One of the features of the site is that we curate news from other sites with the intention of providing a full picture of what's happening in the world of gaming and entertainment.
To that end, we're creating a new volunteer group at FANDOM called "Volunteer Curators". What we're looking for are subject matter experts that have deep knowledge of news and features about their favorite games, movies or TV shows - in this case, PC gaming. If you spend a bunch of time on the PC gaming subreddit or follow PC gaming news obsessively, we want to talk to you!
We're looking for people like you to help us rou…
Omg, there are so many items, I feel as though it was a bad idea to attempt to collect them all, if anyone has anything they do not want, feel free to give them to me (PSN: T-Fyre), if I do already have said item, I'll use it to trade for better ones, and maybe, one day, in the distant future, collect them all!
2nd Anniversary Update
Let's talk about the new update coming out July 5th here. I'm personally really excited for this update. I'm excited for the Goal Explosions, Champions Field and Season 5 especially. What about you guys?
General Maintenance
Lots of cleanup needs to be done on the wiki, and soon I will be committing to it!
Some of the things getting tended to will be pages marked for deletion, pages needing categorization, categories needing to be created, unused content that needs to be removed or re-purposed, and image links that need to be updated within articles.
This will clutter the recent changes list, but not for too long. I am hopeful.
The first part of maintenance is complete, with almost 400 unused / duplicated images deleted. This clears about 300 MB of clutter, and makes the wiki much more cleaner.
Additionally, some videos were also removed as they did not contribute to the wiki. As a reminder, the wiki should be used to document information about the game. It should not …
Changing Main Menu Music
As most people probably know, there's no main menu playlist file, but you can manually rename the files so get whichever song you want to play at startup.
At the time of posting, the song which plays at startup is "Hollywood Principle feat. Dr. Awkward - Solar Eclipses", which is 978255848.wem So you can rename 978255848.wem to whatever you like, then rename whichever track you want to play at startup as "978255848.wem"Unfortunately, as of patch v1.29 on 2017-02-21, the main track is now "Firework (Melad Remix)", which is a new track inside MX_MainMenu.bnk and thus cannot be changed using the above method. Apparently, Psyonix just hates their fans.
As of Patch 1.31 on 2017-03-22, all main menu is now in .wem files, but replacing the startup …
My Promotion And My To-Do List
Recently, GLiTcH2 promoted me to the position of Content Moderator. I am very thankful for this, and I hope to continue working with this wiki to bring updated info and better visuals to the articles found here.
For those of you who don't know what a content moderator is, they are able to manage the user-generated information on a wiki. This includes text within articles, forum posts, and uploaded videos and images. This allows me to control vandalism and spam, should it occur.
As such, if you ever see spam posted on the wiki or anything that should be looked into, please send me a message on my message wall.
Aside from all that, I am still working to improve some of the core pages on the wiki. The next on my list is the Antennas page. I hope t…
Anyone got any ideas for promotional cars such as the DeLorean ? I was thinking of batmobile
If you have any ideas post in the comment section