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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

The BMW M240i is a licensed vehicle that is on sale as a DLC bundle in the Item Shop for Credits icon (transparent)1100 from November 4 to November 10, 2021.[1]

Along with the BMW M240i, the bundle includes unique decals, wheels, a topper, a player banner and engine audio. These items are only compatible with the BMW M240i, and cannot be equipped on other cars. However, the BMW can be fully customized with any other non-licensed items.[1]

BMW M240i Bundle Contents[]

The following items come with the BMW M240i when purchased for Credits icon (transparent)1100 in the Item Shop.[2]

BMW M240i promo art BMW M240i Bundle: Credits icon (transparent)1100
Icon Name Type Rarity
BMW M240i body icon BMW M240i Body Exotic
Thundernight Metallic decal icon BMW M240i: Thundernight Metallic Decal Very Rare
United In Rivalry decal icon BMW M240i: United in Rivalry Decal Import
BMW M240i wheel icon BMW M240i Wheels Import
Bavarian Hat topper icon Bavarian Hat Topper Rare
BMW player banner icon BMW Player Banner Very Rare
Garage_Nav_Icon BMW M240i Engine Audio Common




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The BMW M240i is Coming to Rocket League on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. BMW brings the M240i to Rocket League on Rocket League - Official Site