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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

Armadillo is a battle-car released on February 17, 2016,[2] based on the vehicle of the same name from the Gears of War series. It is exclusive to Xbox One players.

Armadillo can only be unlocked by completing an entire season in the single-player Season Mode.

During cross-platform play, while playing against Xbox One players, PC players will see the Octane in place of the Armadillo.


Armadillo is not compatible with any decals, and can only have its paint color changed.


Armadillo is not compatible with any Wheels apart from Armadillo wheels.

Rocket Boost[]

Armadillo is not compatible with any Rocket Boost apart from UV Turret rocket boost.



  1. Rocket League Car Hitboxes on Rocket League - Official Site
  2. Rocket League is Coming to Xbox One on February 17 on Rocket League - Official Site