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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki

Arena Preferences is an online customization feature which was introduced in Patch v1.25 on December 7th, 2016.


An “Arenas” button in the Playlist menu allows players to “Like” or “Dislike” specific arenas. “Liking” an arena increases the odds that you will play in it in online matches, while “Disliking” has the opposite effect.

When a server chooses the next Arena, the servers factors in the preferences of all connected players. A map is less likely to be chosen if multiple players “Dislike” said map. Your preferences are applied to all Playlists by default. You can, however, set up custom “Likes” and “Dislikes” that can be changed on each playlist.

Patch v1.31 updated preference weighting to be simpler. A map’s odds are changed based on the net percentage of the lobby who like or dislike a map.

  • If all players in a lobby Dislike a map, it will now never appear.
  • If half of the players in a lobby Like a map, it will appear 50% more often.
  • If one player Likes a map and another player Dislikes it, it will appear as often as normal.

Arena Preferences Gallery[]
