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Rocket League Wiki
Rocket League Wiki
5thAnniversary Promo Art

The 5th Anniversary Event was an event that celebrated the fifth anniversary of Rocket League. Players could earn a limited-time currency called "Balloons" by playing matches during the event. Balloons can be used to purchase exclusive items from the event.

Official Event Description[]

Quote_icon  It's hard to believe we've been dishing assists, hitting aerials, and scoring ridiculous goals in Rocket League for nearly FIVE YEARS! It will officially hit the milestone on July 7, but we're celebrating early with Rocket League's Fifth Anniversary: a two-week in-game event starting June 30, and everyone's invited! Get ready for Limited Time Modes and unique items celebrating the legacy of Rocket League!

Beginning June 30 when the event goes live, you'll start earning Balloons from Online Matches. Spend those Balloons in the Event Store and unlock brand new Psyonix- and Rocket League-inspired items. From the new Psyonix II Wheels to the Party Horn Boost, check out all the items below.

These new items aren't the only thing in the Event Store. Golden Eggs are back, and they contain items from Champions Series 1, 2, 3, and 4! You can earn a total of five Golden Eggs. Plus, if you still have extra Balloons, you can exchange them for XP Packs to Tier Up your Rocket Pass.

In addition to the Event Store, the classic Spike Rush and 2v2 Heatseeker Limited Time Modes will be featured throughout the Fifth Anniversary Event. Check out the start, end, and Redemption period dates below:

  • Spike Rush: June 30 at 9 a.m. PDT (4 p.m. UTC) (Event Begins) - July 6 at 9 a.m. PDT (4 p.m. UTC)
  • 2v2 Heatseeker: July 6 at 9 a.m. PDT (4 p.m. UTC) - July 13 at 9 a.m. PDT (4 p.m. UTC) (Event Ends)
  • Redemption period: July 13 at 9 a.m. PDT (4 p.m. UTC) - July 16 at 2 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. UTC)
It's thrilling and humbling to think about Rocket League hitting the five-year mark, and we won't be slowing down any time soon. A huge "thank you" from us to everyone in our community. Rocket League wouldn't be where it is today without your continued passion and support.  Quote_icon


The following items were available to purchase using Balloons. All items are classified as Limited rarity.

Icon Name Type Price
Pizza Pixel 2P topper icon
Pizza Pixel 2P Topper 75
Phat Hat Live topper icon
Phat Hat Live Topper 75
RL Streamer antenna icon
RL Streamer Antenna 50
Party Horn rocket boost icon
Party Horn Boost 120
Vaporwave Remix rocket boost icon
Vaporwave Remix Boost 120
Psyonix II wheel icon
Psyonix II Wheels 150
Low-Poly TE wheel icon
Low-Poly TE Wheels 150
Sunrise 1986 wheel icon
Sunrise 1986 Wheels 150
Frosted Cake player banner icon
Frosted Cake Player Banner 75
Longtime Fan Title 75
Frosted Cake avatar border icon
Frosted Cake Avatar Border 100
Jolted avatar border icon
Jolted Avatar Border Free
Golden Egg icon
Golden Egg Other 150
XP icon
XP Level Up XP 300


External links[]
